Center of Korean History and Culture

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Center News

Presentation of the book “Seokbo sangjeol. Volume 3. Extracts from the biography of Shakyamuni” and a presentation by the Cabinet of Korean History and Culture and a collection of personal collections of works by leading Russian scholars of Korean studies 9 ноября 2021 года

Presentation of the book “Seokbo sangjeol. Volume 3. Extracts from the biography of Shakyamuni” and a presentation by the Cabinet of Korean History and Culture and a collection of personal collections of works by leading Russian scholars of Korean studies

The event was held by the Cabinet (Laboratory) of Korean History and Culture with the support of the Academy of Korean Studies.

International Scientific Conference 16 июня 2021 года

International Scientific Conference "To the 125th Anniversary of the Russian-Chinese Allied Moscow Treaty of 1896: History and Modernity"

On June 16, 2021, the International Scientific Conference "To the 125th Anniversary of the Russian-Chinese Union Treaty of 1896: History and Modernity" was held at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Visit of the head of the Russian branch of the Korean Public Diplomacy Foundation 11 ноября 2020 года

Visit of the head of the Russian branch of the Korean Public Diplomacy Foundation

On November 11, 2020, the Institute of Oriental Studies was visited by Mr. Lim Chol Woo, head of the Russian branch of the Korean Foundation, established to support public diplomacy for closer interaction with friendly countries, including promoting the development of large centers of Korean studies abroad.

Mr. Pak Sangbe, the Head of the Russian Branch of the Korean Foundation, Visited the Institute 30 октября 2019 года

Mr. Pak Sangbe, the Head of the Russian Branch of the Korean Foundation, Visited the Institute

Mr. Pak Sangbe, the Head of the Russian branch of the Korean Fund, the largest South Korean fund specializing in public diplomacy and supporting Korean studies abroad, visited the Institute of Oriental Studies on October 30th, 2019.

Report on a scientific trip to Seoul (Republic of Korea) 29 апреля 2019 года

Report on a scientific trip to Seoul (Republic of Korea)

Report of the Deputy Director for Science N.G. Romanova, and the Head of the Cabinet of History and Culture of Korea, Leading Researcher of the OKM, Doctor of History. Pak B.B. about a scientific trip to Seoul (Republic of Korea) from 27.03 to 1.04. 2019

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