Center of Korean History and Culture

Институт востоковедения РАН


Center News

29 апреля 2019 года

Report on a scientific trip to Seoul (Republic of Korea)

Report on a scientific trip to Seoul (Republic of Korea) Report on a scientific trip to Seoul (Republic of Korea)

Report of the Deputy Director for Science N.G. Romanova, and the Head of the Cabinet of History and Culture of Korea, Leading Researcher of the OKM, Doctor of History. Pak B.B. about a scientific trip to Seoul (Republic of Korea) from 27.03 to 1.04. 2019

From March 27 to April 1, Deputy Director for Science N.G. Romanova and Head of the Cabinet of Korean History and Culture, Doctor of History. B.B. Pak was in the Republic of Korea at the invitation of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Moscow, the Korea International Exchange Foundation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea.

The program of the visit was aimed at improving relations with foreign experts and the exchange of experience. The program included meetings with Korean colleagues in the scientific field, excursions to cultural and historical places for a better acquaintance with Korean history and culture.

During the trip, a visit was organized to the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) - a leading scientific and educational institution for in-depth study of traditional Korean culture.

Meetings were held with the directors of the Center for International Relations and the International Korean Studies Promotion Program, during which they discussed possible forms of participation in programs and projects aimed at improving the understanding of the international community of Korean culture and exchanging information with academic institutions in Korea and abroad. abroad, creating, systematizing and consolidating the infrastructure for Korean studies at IVRAN, including databases and reference materials, with the help of the Academy of Korean Studies.

With the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, a meeting was organized with the leadership and staff of the Northeast Asian History Foundation, during which issues of organizing further cooperation were discussed.

The program also included educational tours of cultural and historical places to explore the Korean national heritage in Seoul, Busan and the ancient capital of Silla Gyeongju.

У древней астрономической обсерватории Чхомсондэ в Инвандоне г.Кёнджу
У древней астрономической обсерватории Чхомсондэ в Инвандоне г.Кёнджу