Center of Korean History and Culture

Институт востоковедения РАН


Work is underway in the framework of the following research projects:


1. International project for the translation of the Buddhist canon "Seokbo sangjeol"

International (Korean - Russian) translation project (history of creation, transmission and current state, interpretation, translation itself) (Director of the project Bella borisovna Pak) of the Korean Buddhist canon The Seokbo sangjeol (釋譜詳節 - biographies of the Buddha with a selection of his sermons collected and compiled by King Sejo and translated from Chinese sources, the first known example of the translation of Buddhist sutras from Chinese into Korean, first published in 24 volumes in 1447.

This text is one of the earliest printed examples of Korean Hangul characters and can be called the first Hangul Tripitaka. “Seokbo sangjeol” belongs to the classical monuments of Buddhist philosophical thought, revealing the fundamental aspects of the religious philosophy of Mahayana Buddhism in the Korean version. The translation of the oldest and most voluminous set of Buddhist canons written using Korean writing will allow to show the originality of the Korean Buddhist tradition, which determined the spiritual development of Korean society, to better understand the history and culture of the medieval Joseon period of the 14th-15th centuries, permeated with the spirit of Buddhism, its contribution to the world Buddhology. The translation is the first attempt to present the work in Russian, will play an important role both in informing the general public and in stimulating interest in Korean Buddhism among Orientalists, and will complement the traditional orientation of Buddhist works on Indological and Tibetological topics with the development of research in the field of Korean Buddhism.

2. Fondy / Personal collections of Russian Korean scholars

Creation of the Fondy of Personal Collections of Russian Korean Studies, which is the basis of the Center of Korean History and Culture, the main task of which is to store, replenish and further digitize a separate, growing collection of personal collections of manuscripts and published works, rare works of leading Russian scientists on Korea, in support of the traditional for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences as one of the oldest academic institutions in Russia of classical domestic oriental studies.

It will include unique collections:

1) L.R. Kontsevich
2) Yu.V. Vanina
3) Myung Dong Wook
4) Lee Keng Ding
5) Kim Lechun
6) B.D.Pak
7) Ho Woon Bae
8) Choi Myung Hee, etc.

3. Publication of monographs and articles

    • Publication of monographs - biographies and memoirs of Russian diplomats who made the greatest contribution to the development of Russian-Korean relations in the series "Russian diplomats in the countries of the East".
    • Publications of monographs, articles on Korean-Russian relations.
    • Collection of archival materials about Russian expeditions to Korea, publication of travel diaries of Russian travelers.
    • Preparation of monographs in the series of Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Russian Koreans" (books about the first Korean academician - Maxim Pavlovich Kim and others) (editor-in-chief of the series: Doctor of Historical Sciences B.B. Pak).

4. Strengthening international relations of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Assistance in strengthening international relations of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences with foreign scientific centers in East Asia, establishing and intensifying scientific cooperation between scientific institutions and workers in Russia and the Republic of Korea and the DPRK.

5. Establishment of scientific cooperation

Carrying out activities that serve to establish scientific cooperation between scientific institutions and workers in Russia, the Republic of Korea and the DPRK:

    • Conducting Russian-Korean scientific seminars and conferences
    • Holding exhibitions on the history and culture of Russia and Korea;
    • Book presentations;
    • Other ways of cooperation.

The work of the Center of Korean History and Culture is carried out in the following areas of fundamental research (in accordance with the Program of Fundamental Scientific Research of the State Academies of Sciences for 2013-2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2012 No. 2237-r) with changes (according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2015 No. 2217-r):

    • "Cultural and spiritual heritage of the peoples of the East"
    • "East and Russia: cultural-historical and socio-political relationships".
    • "Patterns of the historical development of the peoples of the East from ancient times to the middle of the twentieth century."