Center of Korean History and Culture

Институт востоковедения РАН

Fondy / Collections


Collection of Lev Rafailovich Kontsevich

Lev Rafailovich Kontsevich (born September 3, 1930) is the oldest Russian Korean scholar, Laureate of the Prize for achievements in the field of Korean linguistics of the Dongsun Science Foundation in Seoul.

In 2015, he donated his library on Korea to the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences: almost 800 titles of books and brochures in different languages, but primarily in Korean and Hanmun (377 titles). A significant part of them are dictionaries, reference books, literature before 1945, modern prose, modern poetry, literary criticism, foreign literature in Korean translation. A separate section of the collection is literature on folklore, myths, legends, fairy tales and songs.

The Institute prepared a description of the books handed over by Lev Rafailovich.


Collection of Yuri Vasilyevich Vanin

Yuri Vasilyevich Vanin (1930 - October 25, 2017) an outstanding scientist, a prominent specialist in the history and current situation of Korea, the author of numerous in-depth studies on the historical past and the most pressing problems of the Korean Peninsula, In 1987–2005 - head. department of the socialist countries of Asia, transformed in 1992 into the department of Korea and Mongolia. In 2018, his daughter E.Y. Vanina donated his library to the Cabinet of Korean History and Culture of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

A significant place in it is occupied by works on the socio-economic problems of feudal Korea, the history of Korea in different periods, among which most of them are books on recent history: the history of the liberation of Korea from the Japanese colonial yoke in 1945, the partition of Korea, the Korean War of 1950–1953 ., the current situation on the Korean Peninsula, the relationship between the North and the South and the struggle for the peaceful unification of Korea, the internal political situation of the DPRK, the Korean policy of the USSR and the Russian Federation.


Collection of Kim Lechun

Kim Lechun (04/13/1928 - 01/22/2017) - chief researcher. Institute of World Literature RAS. An outstanding specialist in the field of Japanese and Korean literature, the author of a monograph and articles on the problems of the modern literary development of Japan, the role of Russian literature in the literary history of Japan. In December 2018, his widow, Valentina Andreevna, donated the library to the Cabinet of Korean History and Culture, IVRAN.

The topics of books related to research in the field of comparative literature reflect the main areas of creative activity of prof. Kim Le Chun. A significant part of his collection consists of books on the synthesis of the cultures of the West and the East, cultural aspects of Russian-Asian contacts; literature of the Far East in the context of Russian. and world culture. A number of monographs are devoted to Russian-Japanese literary relations.

The collection contains many books on translation and scientific research of the works of outstanding Korean writers of modern and contemporary times.


Collection of Boris Dmitrievich Pak

Boris Dmitrievich Pak (January 4, 1931 - December 24, 2010) - Honored Scientist of the RSFSR. In 1975-1999 head.
In 1975-1999 head. Department of World History, Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute. 1992-1999 - Head of the International Center for Asian Studies at the Irkutsk Pedagogical University. Since October 1999 - Chief Researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. An outstanding orientalist, a prominent specialist in the field of Russian-Korean relations, the history of the liberation movement of the Korean people, the history of Soviet and Russian Koreans. Most of his collection in the Cabinet consists of essays on the history of the national liberation struggle in Korea in 1909-1914. in connection with the anti-Japanese movement that unfolded among the Koreans of Russia and China, the role of Korean emigration in Russia in the anti-Japanese struggle.

An equally significant part of his collection is connected with another important area of scientific research - the history of the Korean diaspora in Russia.

A special place in the collection of B.D. Pak is occupied with literature on the policy of the powers in the Far East, the history of relations between Russia and Korea. This theme was central to his work.


Collection of Myung Dong Wook

Myung Dong Wook (1931-05/06/2018) - an outstanding theater director, playwright, teacher and poet, Honored Art Worker of the Kazakh SSR. The largest specialist in the field of Korean theater. In December 2018, his widow, Taisiya Valentinovna, donated the library to the Cabinet of Korean History and Culture, IV RAN.

A significant part of the collection of Myung Dong Wook is literature on the history of the Korean theater in the USSR, poetry collections of Korean poets - defectors from the DPRK (Lee Jin, Lee Gen Din, etc.), Soviet Koreans, theater plays by European authors in Korean translation, novels written by him in Korean "Dandelions of Moscow", poetry collections "Eternal Companion", "Ledum in the Steppe", etc.


Korea Foundation

This Foundation presents books donated to the Cabinet of Korean History and Culture by the Korea Foundation. The Korea Foundation, in an effort to support educational, research and other activities to deepen the understanding of Korea around the world, distributes various publications in Korean and foreign languages and multimedia materials to universities, public libraries, research institutes, and institutions of culture and art. Abroad.

As a division of the central Russian oriental research institution, which has an outstanding collection of books and materials on Korea, the Center of Korean History and Culture has a unique collection of Korean literature for the study of Korean culture, society, history, economics and politics, as well as access to online Bibliography of Asian Studies (EBSCO) collection.

The Center is committed to making its library and its resources a critical academic and educational resource.

The Center is working on the storage, replenishment, description and digitization of personal collections of manuscripts and published works, archives of leading Russian scholars of Korean studies.